Basic Tutorial
BASIC TUTORIAL FOR ADOBE SPARK VIDEOThe Adobe Spark range of apps are a must for every classroom. In this video, Mr P talks through the different tools available when using Adobe Spark Video to create impressive videos to demonstrate their learning.
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ORALLY PLANNING WRITING WITH ADOBE SPARK VIDEOIn this video, Mr P explores a few different ways in which students can orally plan their writing using the Adobe Spark Video. This can be an incredibly powerful way for children to develop their writing by orally recording ideas before putting pen to paper. This means the content and ideas can be listened back to and students can then focus more on the spelling, punctuation, grammar and handwriting.
THE UK IDEA 15 - COAST VOCABHere is the next video in the series linked to the Geography Topic of The UK.
In this idea, pupils explore vocabulary related to coasts. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
THE UK IDEA 3- INFORMATION VIDEOHere is the next video in the series linked to the Geography Topic of The UK.
In this idea, we create an information video to share what we know about the countries in the UK. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
STATES OF MATTER IDEA 12- EVAPORATION EXAMPLESHere is the next idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science topic of States of Matter.
In this video, pupils create a video explaining examples of evaporation. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
CHRISTMAS IDEA 24 - CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLDHere is the next idea in a new series of videos linked to Christmas. In these videos, I share a number of ways technology can enhance learning around Christmas whether it is the Nativity story, learning about traditions or how Christmas is celebrated around the world.
In this video, children can create a video demonstrating their understanding of how other countries celebrate Christmas. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 15 - USES OF MAGNETSHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils explore how magnets are used in everyday life. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
EXTREME EARTH IDEA 9- TECTONIC PLATESHere is the next video in the series linked to the Geography Topic of Extreme Earth.
In this idea, pupils create videos to explain Tectonic Plates. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
VIKINGS IDEA 15 - PERFORMING THE POEMHere is the next video in the series linked to the KS2 History topic of the Vikings.
In this next idea, pupils creatively perform the famous Rudyard Kipling poem giving the perfect opportunity to show their understanding through tone, intonation and volume. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ANGLO SAXONS IDEA 2 - LIFE AFTER THE ROMANSHere is the next video in the series linked to the KS2 History topic of Anglo Saxons.
In this video, we look at creating a video to explain why the Romans left Britain. |
PLANTS IDEA 20 - EXPLAINING POLLINATIONHere is the next video in a new series linked to the Science topic of Plants. We have tried to cover ideas from the KS1 Science curriculum and Year 3 Science curriculum.
In this next idea linked with KS2, pupils demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of pollination by creating their own explanation video. |
PLANTS IDEA 13 - HOW PLANTS GROWHere is the next video in a new series linked to the Science topic of Plants. We have tried to cover ideas from the KS1 Science curriculum and Year 3 Science curriculum.
In this next idea linked with KS1, pupils look at applying all their learning by creating a video explaining how plants grow. |
THE MAYANS IDEA 20 - NUMBER SYSTEMHere is the next idea in the series linked to the KS2 History topic of the Mayans. In this next idea, pupils create their own videos to explain the Mayan number system.
THE HIGHWAYMAN IDEA 11- PERFORMING THE POEMHere is the next idea in the series of videos linked to the fantastic poem - The Highwayman.
In this next idea, pupils create a visual poetry video where they show they can demonstrate their understanding through intonation, tone and volume. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
LIFE CYCLES AND REPRODUCTION IDEA 24 - HOW TO BE A BABYHere is the next video in the series looking at Life Cycles and Reproduction in KS2 Science.
In this next video, pupils create an instructional video on how to be a baby. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ARTHUR AND THE GOLDEN ROPE IDEA 9 - EXPLORING LANGUAGEHere is the next idea in the series based around the fantastic book: Arthur and The Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton.
In this idea, pupils use drama to explore every element of the text including language, grammar and punctuation. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
SECOND WORLD WAR TOPIC IDEA 21 - THE HOLOCAUSTHere is the next idea in the series linked to the Second World War. In this video, pupils create videos explaining the Holocaust.
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SECOND WORLD WAR TOPIC IDEA 2 - HOW THE NAZIS CAME TO POWERHere is the next idea in the series linked to the Second World War. In this video, pupils create a video explaining how Adolf Hitler and The Nazi party came to power before the start of the WW2.
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YEAR 4 SCIENCE: ALL LIVING THINGS - IDEA 11 - EXPLORING VERTEBRATESHere is the next video for the Year 4 Science topic of All Living Things.
In this next idea, pupils create a video to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding about vertebrates. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
EVOLUTION IDEA 1 - KEY VOCABULARYHere is the first in a new series of videos covering the Year 6 Science topic of Evolution. As always, these ideas are not to be used as a scheme of work but instead showcase the potential of creative technology to enhance this topic.
In this first idea, we look at exploring key vocabulary that will be covered over this topic. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
YEAR 2 - LIVING THINGS AND THEIR HABITATS IDEA 16 - SOURCES OF FOODHere is the next idea in the series linked to the Year 2 Science topic - Living Things and Their Habitats.
In this video, pupils will explore how some animals get their food to survive. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
YEAR 2 - LIVING THINGS AND THEIR HABITATS IDEA 6 - EXPLORING LOCAL HABITATSHere is the next idea in the series linked to the Year 2 Science topic - Living Things and Their Habitats.
In this video, we look and explore local habitats around the school. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
LIGHT IDEA 19 - PERISCOPE TUTORIALHere is the next idea in the series of videos linked to the Science Topic of Light.
In this video, pupils create a video tutorial explaining step-by-step how to create their own periscope. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ANGLES IDEA 7 - WHAT I KNOW ABOUT ANGLESHere is the next idea in this series looking at creative ways to enhance learning around angles through technology.
In this video, we challenge our pupils to create a video where they demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of different angles and their properties. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
GORILLA BY ANTHONY BROWNE IDEA 6 - WHAT MAKES A GOOD PARENT?Here is the next video in the series linked to the fantastic book - Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
Going beyond the text, we discuss whether Hannah's Dad is a good dad and lead into discussion about what makes a good parent with learners creating their own videos. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
KS1 MATERIALS IDEA 15 - HOW RECYCLING WORKSHere is the next video in the series looking at KS1 Science - Uses of Everyday Materials.
In this video, pupils create a video explaining how recycling works. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
KS1 MATERIALS IDEA 11 - USES OF MATERIALS AROUND THE SCHOOLHere is the next video in the series looking at KS1 Science - Uses of Everyday Materials.
In this video, we get our pupils to explore different materials around school and explore what they are used for and why. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ROMANS IDEA 11 - JOIN THE ROMAN ARMYHere is the next video in the series linked to Ancient Rome. In this video, we demonstrate our knowledge and understanding about the Roman Army by creating a recruitment advert to convince others to join.
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CIRCULATORY SYSTEM IDEA 12 - HOW OUR BODY TRANSPORTS NUTRIENTS.In this next video in this series linked to the Circulatory System, we continue to look at nutrients. Learners can create videos where they explain the process of how our body transports nutrients around our body.
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ELECTRICITY IDEA 15 - CIRCUIT SYMBOLSHere is the next idea in the series linked to Electricity. In this video, pupils demonstrate their understanding of circuit symbols by creating their own video showing what the symbols represent.
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ELECTRICITY IDEA 3 - EXAMPLES OF ELECTRICITYHere is the next idea in the series linked to Electricity. In this video, pupils create videos exploring examples of Electricity both at home and in school. This task can be extended to look at types of electricity too.
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BEEGU IDEA 10 - RETELLING THE STORYHere is the next idea in the series linked to Beegu. Once we have explored the story, pupils can then create a video where they retell the story in their own words.
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ROCKS TOPIC IDEA 13 - PERMEABILITY INVESTIGATIONHere is the final idea in this topic looking at Rocks. In this video, children can record their investigation by creating videos documenting every aspect of the investigation. By allowing children to create videos the main focus of the lesson can be on the science rather than writing it all up in books.
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ROCKS TOPIC IDEA 3 - EXPLORING DIFFERENT TYPES OF ROCKSIn this next idea linked to the topic of rocks, children explore different types of rocks. Pupils demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of different types of rocks by creating a video. This makes the learning more engaging and accessible for all pupils.
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ANCIENT EGYPT IDEA 1 - WHAT DO WE ALREADY KNOW?Here is the first in a new series of videos linked to the topic of Ancient Egypt. I know this is a popular topic in many schools so I hope you find this useful. As always with these topic pages, it is not a scheme of work but more a range of ideas to dip into to enhance and embed tech into the topic.
In this video, we look at creating a video to explore what prior knowledge we are bringing to this topic. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
TOY TOPIC IDEA 7 - VICTORIAN TOYSHere's the next idea in the series linked to the topic Toys. In this video, we look at exploring toys from the Victorian period. The app showcased gives pupils the opportunity to orally explore and explain their understanding around these toys.
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EXCITABLE EDGAR IDEA 18 - PERFORMING OUR DRAGON STORY!Here is the last idea in this series inspired by the latest John Lewis Advert. In this idea, we look at how pupils can perform their writing to give a fantastic final product to this unit. The example I share came from work we did inspired by 'The Boy Who Grew Dragons' by Andy Shephard. I also discuss how the power of the internet allowed our pupils to get amazing feedback from the author.
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VOCABULARY IDEA 13 - EXPLORING WORDS VIDEOHere's another way for learners to creatively share their understanding of words. After exploring different aspects of a words - definitions, roots, etymology etc they can create videos demonstrating their knowledge. This can then be shared with the class or the world!
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VOCABULARY IDEA 10 - DEFINING UNKNOWN WORDSHere's another great way for pupils to build work knowledge to develop vocabulary. Building on the previous idea where pupils identified unknown words, this idea allows pupils to share their understanding once they learn the definition of these words.
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REFUGEES IDEA 15 - INFORMATION VIDEO ABOUT REFUGEESIn this final video in the series looking at Refugees, we explore some facts and figures around this issue. After some research, pupils can then apply their knowledge by creating their own information videos that can be shared with the world.
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WATER/RIVERS IDEA 7 - EXPLAINING FLOODINGThe next idea in the series linked to Water looks at Flooding. Once children have learnt and the causes and ways to prevent and prepare they can demonstrate their learning by creating videos exploring and explaining flooding.
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GUNPOWDER PLOT IDEA 11 - WHY DO WE CELEBRATE BONFIRE NIGHT?In this last idea linked to the Gunpowder Plot, children can create videos exploring why we celebrate Bonfire Night. This is a great way for children to demonstrate all their learning in this topic: the plot, why we celebrate it, how we celebrate it and also share the famous rhyme.
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BOOK REVIEW IDEA 10 - TRUE/FALSE QUIZHere is another creative way for children to explore their reading book. In this video, we look at creating a true or false quiz about the book we've just read. This can be a great way for children to demonstrate their understanding of the story in a creative way.
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ANCIENT GREECE IDEA 10 - EXPLORING GREEK WORDSIn the final video of the series looking at Ancient Greece, we explore some of the wonderful words we use that are rooted in Ancient Greece. After exploring the root words and meaning behind them, the children can share their findings as videos.
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THERE'S A RANG-TAN IN MY BEDROOM PROJECT - IDEA 6 - WRITING TO COMPANIES ABOUT PALM OILThe next video in this series linked to the Rang-Tan project looks at learners writing persuasive letters to all the companies linked to dirty palm oil. Dirty palm oil is palm oil from deforestation and many companies, mentioned on the Greenpeace website, all have links to Dirty Palm Oil. This video explores writing and performing their writing before sharing it with them.
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RAINFOREST VIDEO FACT FILESThe next video in the series linked to Rainforest focuses on children researching different rainforests around the world. After generating as series of questions, they can then present their findings as a fact file video using Adobe Spark Video.
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GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CLASS - IDEA 9 - CREATING OUR OWN PROVERBSHere is the final idea in the series looking at getting to know your class. This was one on my favourite lessons where I challenged my class to create their own proverbs. They then shared and discussed the meaning by creating their own videos.
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SPACE TOPIC IDEA 7 - EXPLAINING NIGHT AND DAYHere is idea number 7 (despite what it says in the video) in the series linked to the topic of Space. In this video, learners will create videos explaining why we have night and day. This is a brilliant way for all pupils, no matter how fluent learners are with their writing, the opportunity to really explore in detail their rich knowledge and understanding of this topic.
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OUR LOCAL AREA AND BEYOND KS1 GEOGRAPHY IDEA 6 - CREATING INFORMATION VIDEOS ABOUT DIFFERENT COUNTRIESIn this final idea in the series looking at Our Local Area and Beyond, we look at creating information videos about a country. Using these videos, your learners can then create an interactive map as a final product of this topic.
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