Here you will find Mr P's Videos discussing ways teachers can save time and money through technology. They've been posted in reverse chronological order.
TOP TIPS FOR IOS14In this video, Mr Tullock shares some of the best new updates to iOS14.
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Let's talk about the curriculum part 2Here's is the follow up video to this video posted the other day. In this video, I go into more depth about some of the point raised in the first video. It explains my approach to designing a meaningful, authentic and purposeful curriculum.
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A discussion about the curriculumHere are some thoughts on the curriculum as it seems like before the new inspection framework, we've never taught a curriculum before 🙄. Schools don't need to panic, don't need to create more workload as most of you are already doing what you should be.
I have to say I think the Intent, Implementation and Impact is just a direct rip off from this - |
LINKING GOOGLE DRIVE/OFFICE 365 TO FACEBOOK/TWITTERMany schools now have moved to the cloud using Google Drive or Office 365. In this video, I demonstrate how to link Google Drive to your Facebook page. This can not only save teachers and staff loads of time, if the majority of parents are linked into your Facebook page, you don't have to print letters, saving you money.
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CONNECTING YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE TO TWITTERHere's another great little workflow tip that allows you to link your school Facebook page to Twitter. This means rather than having to post twice, one on each platform, you create a post on Facebook and it automatically tweets it to your school twitter account. This is something I use personally as well as a school.
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EMBEDDING SOCIAL MEDIA FEEDS ON SCHOOL WEBSITEA school website should be a platform that has all the necessary documentation, which can be found here. Once all this is set up, we should only need to do updates and maintenance once a term, if that. If we are regularly sharing news, work and other announcements through Facebook or Twitter, we don't need to add it to our website as well as this will create extra work. Instead, as this film demonstrates, we can embed our social media feeds directly into our website. Meaning all our announcements online can be accessed through the website.
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CREATING A SCHOOL FACEBOOK PAGEFollowing on from my step-by-step tutorial for creating a school Twitter account, this video explores how to create a school Facebook page. Rather than fearing these platforms, we should be embracing them to connect our classrooms with the world and improve home-school links. As discussed in the video, we have had so many incredible experiences from using Facebook to share, celebrate and publish learning from our classrooms.
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CREATING A SCHOOL TWITTER ACCOUNTWhen I talk about using technology to give pupils a real purpose to their learning, I will demonstrate how social media can help with this. I have previously discussed why schools should embrace social media - why-your-school-should-embrace-social-media.html. In this video, I demonstrate a step-by-step guide for how to create a school twitter account.
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Encouraging pupils to independently evidence learning for ModerationA supporter asked for any advice around moderation in Year 2. I decided to put together this quick little video showing how we've been evidencing learning through Seesaw which will be shared with the moderators to further justify our teacher assessment.
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Blurring Faces in PicturesHere is a quick little tip for when you take a picture of your learners and then realise one of them can't have their picture posted online. Here are a few ways in which you can hide a child's face if you still wanted to share the picture of their learning.
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redefining homework through seesawThere seems to be a few schools who are reconsidering homework and changing from the traditional worksheet approach. In this video, I explore the idea of flipped learning and how you as a teacher can create content that pupils access at home to then apply in class.
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Save Time Report Writing with DictationIf you're at a school who isn't yet ready to move forward when it comes to end of year reports which I discussed here - save-time-writing-reports-with-dictation.html. There are still ways in which technology can save us time if we have to continue to write reports. Mr Tullock shares how to use the iPad dictation tool to help teachers during this time consuming and stressful time of the year!
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redefining end of year reports with seesawIn this video, I explain how the Seesaw Family app can help reduce workload by contributing to the majority of the end of year report. I discuss whether the end of year report is fit for purpose and whether we should continue the way it has been over the past few years.
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Enabling the Family app in SeesawAnother feature of Seesaw which is absolutely FREE is the Family app. This allows parents to connect to their child's portfolio, allowing them to see all the amazing learning in your class. This video explains how to enable it.
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The easiest way to create a class blogBlogging can be an incredibly powerful tool to give children a real global audience for their learning. I have discussed the power of blogging in a previous video. This video demonstrates the easiest way to set up a class blog through Seesaw.
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Mr Tullock's Tips on Focus and ProductivityHere Mr Tullock shares some great tips and insights into improving focus and productivity when using a device in class.
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some more thoughts on teacher wellbeingI asked you to share some of the ways your school is addressing wellbeing and this video shares some of my views on it.
This video is a follow up to this one I posted recently about wellbeing and workload. As mentioned in the video, please follow Education Support Partnership for more support if you feel the need to speak to someone. |
Why your school should embrace social mediaI believe Social Media is a tool for good, unfortunately, some people make the wrong choices. In 2019, we don't have a choice about using social media, the choice we make is how well we use it.
This video explores some reasons why your school should embrace and model safe and responsible social media use. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
Who is to blame for the workload crisis in education?I was asked recently who I think is to blame for the workload issue in education. I don't think there is just one person/group. In this video I explore the parties involved.
I want to make it clear I am not suggesting every inspector, LEA, leadership are like this. In fact, I come across some amazing teams in schools. This is based more on what I have seen on my travels and messages I receive each day from teachers and schools |
How to give effective Oral Feedback through SeesawAs promised from the Live Video tonight, here is a step-by-step guide for how to give effective oral feedback through Seesaw. Remember, I am not doing this for everything, just where it fits, which works if the feedback policy I shared, is in place.
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5 THINGS TEACHERS NEED TO STOP DOING TO MAKE THEIR LIVES EASIER - POINT 4 - Lesson PlanningFollowing on from the video I published looking at 5 things teachers need to stop doing to make their lives easier, this video discusses point number 4 - Lesson Planning.
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How to utilise your ipad to save £3000 per classroomBuilding on previous videos, this one explains how utilising one iPad in class can save you £3000 over other technology choices. There is also a step by step tutorial for how you can mirror your iPad screen to your computer screen whether it is a Mac or Windows PC/Laptop.
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An idea for whole class feedbackFor any #supporters who missed the Live Video last week. Here’s a condensed video explaining how to give whole class feedback through a word cloud! Thank you to everyone who has given this a go and messaged me to say how well it worked.
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Mr P's Feedback PolicyLast week I posted a video about why your school should ditch the marking policy for a feedback policy. If you haven't yet seen it, scroll back through the supporter content and give it a watch. I shared a feedback policy I have put together which I shared with Ofsted and they said they would be happy with as long as they could see it was working.
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5 THINGS TEACHERS NEED TO STOP DOING TO MAKE THEIR LIVES EASIER - POINT 3 - Why your school needs to ditch the marking policyHere I talk about how to move away from a marking policy to a feedback policy.
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5 THINGS TEACHERS NEED TO STOP DOING TO MAKE THEIR LIVES EASIER - POINT 2 - Book ScrutiniesI discuss the negative impact book scrutinies are having in schools and how we should be approaching it in a manageable way that gets us working smarter, not harder.
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5 Things teachers need to stop doing to make their lives easier - Point 1 - Learning ObjectivesHere’s the first idea discussed in more detail. Schools shouldn’t need to evidence LOs or LCs in books, they shouldn’t need to evidence them at all.
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What Hardware would I like in my classroomI thought I’d discuss what tech I’d have in my classroom in an ideal world.
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