Basic Tutorial
BASIC TUTORIAL FOR BOOK CREATOR EBOOKBook Creator is Mr P's favourite eBook and Comic creator app. In this video, he talks through all the different tools available when using this brilliant tool.
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BASIC TUTORIAL FOR BOOK CREATOR COMICBook Creator is Mr P's favourite eBook and Comic creator app. In this video, he talks through all the different tools available when using this brilliant tool to create a digital, interactive comic.
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EXPLORING TEXT FEATURES IN BOOK CREATORIn this video, Mr P explores how Seesaw can be used to support children in deconstructing texts by identifying, highlighting and discussing features. This would be accessible for pupils from KS1 upwards.
THE UK IDEA 10 - CITY EBOOKHere is the next video in the series linked to the Geography Topic of The UK.
In this idea, pupils create an eBook about a city in the UK to share facts and information about different landmarks, important locations and other interesting information. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
STATES OF MATTER IDEA 5 - PROVING AIR IS A MATERIALHere is the next idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science topic of States of Matter.
In this video, pupils create interactive eBooks documenting examples to prove air is a material. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
CHRISTMAS IDEA 11 - NATIVITY COMICHere is the next idea in a new series of videos linked to Christmas. In these videos, I share a number of ways technology can enhance learning around Christmas whether it is the Nativity story, learning about traditions or how Christmas is celebrated around the world.
In this video, children use their freezeframes from the previous idea to create a comic strip of the nativity story. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 21 - AIR RESISTANCEHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils document an investigation into Air Resistance using Book Creator. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 3 - MINDMAPHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, we ask pupils to create a mindmap with questions, ideas and predictions about this topic. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
EXTREME EARTH IDEA 19 - WHAT TO DO IN AN EARTHQUAKEHere is the next video in the series linked to the Geography Topic of Extreme Earth.
In this idea, pupils create a comic strip to explain how to stay safe during an Earthquake. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
VIKINGS IDEA 13 - DANEGELD COMICHere is the next video in the series linked to the KS2 History topic of the Vikings.
In this next idea, pupils create an interactive comic strip to show their understanding of Danegeld. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
VIKINGS IDEA 2 - KEY VOCABHere is the next video in the series linked to the KS2 History topic of the Vikings.
In this next idea, we explore some of the key vocabulary children will be exploring during this topic. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
GREAT FIRE OF LONDON IDEA 17 - GREAT FIRE OF LONDON COMICHere is the next video in the series linked to the Great Fire of London.
In this video, using the freezeframe images from the previous idea, pupils then create an interactive comic strip of the Great Fire of London. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
THE BOY, THE MOLE, THE FOX AND THE HORSE IDEA 12 - BOOK REVIEWHere is the next video in the based on Charlie Macksey's beautiful book - The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. I have collated plenty of ideas you can use to embed creative technology when exploring this book.
In this idea, pupils create their own multimedia book review for the book. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ANGLO SAXONS IDEA 17- CRIME AND PUNISHMENTHere is the next video in the series linked to the KS2 History topic of Anglo Saxons.
In this video, pupils compare crime and punishment today to what it was like during Anglo Saxon times. |
PLANTS IDEA 22 - LIFE CYCLEHere is the next video in a new series linked to the Science topic of Plants. We have tried to cover ideas from the KS1 Science curriculum and Year 3 Science curriculum.
In this next idea linked with KS2, pupils create a comic strip to demonstrate the life cycle of a plant. |
PLANTS IDEA 6- GROWING PLANT DIARYHere is the next video in a new series linked to the Science topic of Plants. We have tried to cover ideas from the KS1 Science curriculum and Year 3 Science curriculum.
In this next idea linked with KS1, pupils create an ebook to document how their seed grows over a period of time. |
THE MAYANS IDEA 4 - COMPARING MAYA AND ANGLO SAXONSHere is the next idea in the series linked to the KS2 History topic of the Mayans. In this next idea, pupils compare life in Mayan times to that of Anglo Saxon Britain.
THE HIGHWAYMAN IDEA 8 - INTERACTIVE COMICHere is the next idea in the series of videos linked to the fantastic poem - The Highwayman.
In this next idea, pupils use the images created in the previous idea and create an interactive comic strip retelling the story. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
THE HIGHWAYMAN IDEA 1 - EXPLORING THE PICTUREHere is the first in a new series of videos linked to the fantastic poem - The Highwayman. I have used this poem in class for many years with Upper KS2. These ideas will hopefully demonstrate how creative technology can support children when exploring this poem.
In this first idea, pupils look at the picture of the Highwayman and collect some inferences and thoughts. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
LIFE CYCLES AND REPRODUCTION IDEA 10 - ASEXUAL PLANT REPRODUCTIONHere is the next video in the series looking at Life Cycles and Reproduction in KS2 Science.
In this next video, pupils explain how asexual reproduction works in different plants. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ARTHUR AND THE GOLDEN ROPE IDEA 18 - COMIC RETELLINGHere is the next idea in the series based around the fantastic book: Arthur and The Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton.
In this idea, pupils create a comic to retell some of the story in their own words. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
SECOND WORLD WAR TOPIC IDEA 17 - COMPARING RATIONS TO MEALS TODAYHere is the next idea in the series linked to the Second World War. In this video, pupils look at rationing and compare meals during the war to meals they have today.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
SECOND WORLD WAR TOPIC IDEA 7 - DUNKIRK EVACUATION COMICHere is the next idea in the series linked to the Second World War. In this video, pupils create a comic strip to recount the key events of the Dunkirk Evacuation.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
YEAR 4 SCIENCE: ALL LIVING THINGS - IDEA 13 - CLASSIFYING INVERTEBRATESHere is the next video for the Year 4 Science topic of All Living Things.
In this next idea, pupils create an ebook to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of invertebrates. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
EVOLUTION IDEA 13 - EXPLORING EVOLUTION THROUGH FOSSILSHere is the next video in the series of videos covering the Year 6 Science topic of Evolution.
In this next idea, pupils explore fossils to explain how evolution has taken place. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
YEAR 2 - LIVING THINGS AND THEIR HABITATS IDEA 7 - HABITATS IN BRITAINHere is the next idea in the series linked to the Year 2 Science topic - Living Things and Their Habitats.
In this video, we look at and explore other habitats we would find in Britain. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
HANDA'S SURPRISE IDEA 6 - SEQUENCE THE STORYHere is the next video looking at creative ways to embed technology when exploring the classic book Handa's Surprise in KS1 and EYFS.
In this next idea, we look at a way for children to demonstrate their understanding of the story by sequencing the story. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
DIGITAL AVATARS IDEA 18 - USING BITMOJI TO DEVELOP SHOW NOT TELLHere is the next idea in this series looking at creating, using and embedding digital avatars to support learning in class.
In this next video, we look at using Bitmoji stickers to support and develop shot not tell in children's writing. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
LIGHT IDEA 14- EXPLORING HOW SHADOWS CHANGEHere is the next idea in the series of videos linked to the Science Topic of Light.
In this video, we look at recording and explaining how our shadows change during the day. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
LIGHT IDEA 8 - REFLECTION INVESTIGATIONHere is the next idea in the series of videos linked to the Science Topic of Light.
In this video, we explore how technology can support and enhance a science investigation around reflections. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
GORILLA BY ANTHONY BROWNE IDEA 11 - COMPARING AND CONTRASTING IMAGESHere is the next video in the series linked to the fantastic book - Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
In this idea, we look at comparing and contrasting two similar images fro m the book and challenge pupils to identify as many similarities and differences. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
KS1 MATERIALS IDEA 14 - HOW IS PAPER MADEHere is the next video in the series looking at KS1 Science - Uses of Everyday Materials.
In this video, children can demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of how paper is created by creating their own interactive comic strip. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
KS1 MATERIALS IDEA 12- INVESTIGATING CHANGING SHAPESHere is the next video in the series looking at KS1 Science - Uses of Everyday Materials.
In this video, we get our pupils to investigate how materials can change shape. Pupils can create an ebook to document their findings. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ROMANS IDEA 15 - CREATING A BOUDICCA COMICHere is the next idea in the series linked to Ancient Rome. Building on from the previous video, children use their pictures to create an interactive comic telling the story of Boudicca's Rebellion.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM IDEA 11 - NUTRIENTS QUIZHere is the next idea in the series linked to the Circulatory System. We are now moving on to looking at why we need nutrients. To demonstrate their understanding, children can create their own interactive eBooks when they create a quiz about the body and different nutrients it needs.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ELECTRICITY IDEA 2 - EXPLORING VOCABULARYHere is the next idea in the series linked to Electricity. In this video, we take ideas generated in the previous video and explore some of the vocabulary. Pupils can then orally define and explore the etymology behind these words.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
A GUIDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA EBOOKSFollowing on from the previous video, this idea looks at creating a class eBook. The video explores how to create an interactive ebook that can be shared on the school website, school social media platforms to hopefully educate parents and your school community.
Here's a link to the example my class created: Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ANCIENT EGYPT IDEA 11 - DISCOVERY KING TUT COMICFollowing on from idea 10, this video looks at taking the images created in the previous video to create an interactive comic. This idea brings a more empowering and creative way to retell this significant historical event.
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TOYS TOPIC IDEA 10 - WHY HAVE TOYS CHANGED?Here's another idea linked to the topic of Toys. In this video, we look at sharing some ideas and reasons why toys have changed over the years. After looking at sorting and comparing toys of the past, this idea looks in more details at the changes compared to toys of today.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
TOYS TOPIC IDEA 5 - TOY TIMELINEHere is another creative way to explore the topic of Toys. In this idea, we look at creating a toy timeline which can then be filled with examples of toys from that decade.
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EXCITABLE EDGAR IDEA 11 - EXPLORING A CHARACTER'S THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS (GREATER DEPTH)Here is the next video in the series linked to the latest John Lewis Christmas Advert. In this video, we look at progressing the previous idea by looking at exploring character's thoughts in a more challenging way.
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EXCITABLE EDGAR IDEA 5 - STORYBOARDING FOR GREATER DEPTHHere's the next idea in the series linked to Excitable Edgar. In the previous video, we looked at a simple storyboarding idea. This video will show how you can do the same task in a more challenging way to show progression for the more able learners in your class.
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VOCABULARY IDEA 14 - TOPIC VOCAB EBOOKSHere's another great creative way for pupils to showcase their learning and understanding of key vocabulary linked to a topic. Combining ideas from videos 13 & 14, learners create an interactive eBooks sharing all their learning which can be published online like this example here:
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VOCABULARY IDEA 12- EXPLORING WORDS IN BOOK CREATORHere is another idea linked to Vocabulary. As a way to embed key IT and digital literacy skills, pupils can explore all the different elements of a word from definition to an example sentence to synonyms and prefixes. The range of multimedia tools makes this task so much more creative and accessible to all learners.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
REFUGEES IDEA 12 - COMIC DIARIESHere is the next video in the series linked to Refugees through the picture book - The Journey. In this video, we look at retelling the end of the story through a comic strip sharing the character's thoughts and feelings.
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GUNPOWDER PLOT IDEA 10 - WANTED THOMAS PERCY!Here's another idea linked to the Gunpowder Plot. Once the children have learnt about how Guy Fawkes was caught and tortured to reveal the names of the other plotters, they can take the message from James I and create a wanted poster for Thomas Percy.
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GUNPOWDER PLOT IDEA 1 - WHAT DO I ALREADY KNOW?Here is the first video in a series looking at ways to creatively explore the Gunpowder Plot through technology. I have purposely kept these ideas simpler as I am aiming them at KS1 pupils. That is not to say they cannot be adapted for older pupils.
In this first idea, pupils share what they already know about the Gunpowder Plot. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
BOOK REVIEW IDEA 12 - BOOKFLIX REVIEWHere is another creative way for learners to review their reading books. I have seen plenty of schools using the Bookflix Reading Display idea. I don't know where it originated but this idea adapts that and is the first step in creating an interactive Bookflix display.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ANCIENT GREECE IDEA 2 - BOOK CREATOR TIMELINESIn this next video in the series looking at Ancient Greece, we look at expanding our knowledge of Ancient Greece by creating our own interactive timeline. Using the technology allows us to make this task more accessible using the audio recording tool and video option.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
IDEA 1 - ORGANISING ALBUMS AND PORTFOLIOSHere is the first video in a new series looking at Digital Art through Photography courtesy of Mr Tullock. In this first video, Mr Tullock explores how to organise pictures into albums and create portfolios using different apps.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
THERE'S A RANG-TAN IN MY BEDROOM PROJECT - IDEA 8 - CREATING A CLASS EBOOKIn this final video linked to the Rang-tan project, we look at using all our research to create our own class eBook in Book Creator which we can then publish to the iBooks store for the world to download.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
INTERACTIVE EBOOKS OF THE RAINFORESTHere is the last video linked to the topic of Rainforests. In this video, we look at bringing all our work together from the previous few lessons to create an interactive eBook that we can share online for the world to see. There will be another series of videos looking at raising awareness and protecting the rainforest so... watch this space.
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EXPLORING THE GRUFFALO - IDEA 9 - ORALLY PLANNING OUR OWN GRUFFALO STORYHere's idea 9 in the series linked to the Gruffalo. After learners have created images to structure their own story, they can now orally plan their story before they put pen to paper. This can be an incredibly powerful way to support learners with their writing by having their ideas recorded orally so when they write, their focus can be on structure; capital letters, full stops, handwriting etc.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ouR LOCAL AREA AND BEYOND IDEA 4 - CREATING EBOOKS OF OUR LOCAL CITYHere is idea 4 in the series linked to the topic of our local area and beyond in KS1 Geography. In this video, we move from local area to the big local city and children create eBooks convincing people to visit and live there.
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Creating Science Portfolios with book CreatorIn this video, Mr Tullock shares an in-depth look at some of the amazing features in Book Creator and how they can be used to enhance learning in Science.
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Creating a Times Tables quiz with Book creatorMr Tullock is back with another belting idea for Book Creator, one of my favourite apps. A great way to evaluate learning purposefully by students acting as experts.
This idea has so many cross-curricular opportunities which I am sure we will explore with more videos. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |