Basic Tutorial
A step-by-step guide to learning by questionsLast week, I posted a video about accessing thousands of questions through Learning by Questions for free. If you sign up for a free account, you also get a 60 day trial of the paid features which I explore in this video. It costs £200 a year (I think) but as you can see from this video, if used effectively, is well worth the money.
LBQ have also given me 200 £25 vouchers to use to buy books of their questions sets for each year group, more info here. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES TOPIC IDEA 1 - LEARNING BY QUESTIONSHere is the first in a new series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5. As always, these ideas are not to be used a scheme but instead showcase how creative technology can make learning more purposeful, empowering and accessible for our learners.
In this first idea, we look at assessing children's prior knowledge using Learning by Questions. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
EXTREME EARTH IDEA 8 - LEARNING BY QUESTIONSHere is the next video in the series linked to the Geography Topic of Extreme Earth.
In this idea, pupils learn more about this topic by applying their comprehension skills. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
VIKINGS IDEA 5 - LBQ.ORGHere is the next video in the series linked to the KS2 History topic of the Vikings.
In this next idea, pupils learn more about Vikings while building their comprehension skills through Learning By Questions. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
GREAT FIRE OF LONDON IDEA 3 - LEARNING BY QUESTIONSHere is the next video in the series linked to the Great Fire of London.
In this video, we look a useful Learning By Question Comprehension activity that will help children learn more about the event whilst developing their comprehension skills. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
LIFE CYCLES AND REPRODUCTION IDEA 12 - LBQ ASSESSMENTSHere is the next video in the series looking at Life Cycles and Reproduction in KS2 Science.
In this next video, pupils are able to assess their understanding of the topic by working through some of the fantastic LBQ question sets. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
EVOLUTION IDEA 17 - ASSESSMENT THROUGH LBQHere is the next video in the series of videos covering the Year 6 Science topic of Evolution.
In this next idea, we look at using the brilliant Learning By Questions to assess and review the children's understanding of this topic. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
ANGLES IDEA 2 - LEARNING BY QUESTIONSHere is the next idea in this series looking at creative ways to enhance learning around angles through technology.
In this video, we look at some of the fantastic resources from Learning By Questions and how these can provide fantastic pre and post-learning opportunities. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed through Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. | is one of my favourite tools to use in class. Although it is a paid tool, you can sign up for free to access thousands of questions that link to the curriculum. This video looks at how to use these questions with Seesaw to improve oral reasoning.
Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |