FORCES TOPIC IDEA 1 - LEARNING BY QUESTIONSHere is the first in a new series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5. As always, these ideas are not to be used a scheme but instead showcase how creative technology can make learning more purposeful, empowering and accessible for our learners.
In this first idea, we look at assessing children's prior knowledge using Learning by Questions. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES TOPIC IDEA 2 - PURPLE MASHHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, we look at using some of the fantastic Purple Mash resources to support this topic. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 3 - MINDMAPHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, we ask pupils to create a mindmap with questions, ideas and predictions about this topic. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 4 - QUIZZIZHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, we use the app Quizziz to learn more about pushes and pulls. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 5 - EXAMPLES OF PUSH AND PULLSHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils create a collage with examples of pushes and pulls. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 6 - PUSH AND PULL VIDEOHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils create a video explaining examples of pushes and pulls. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 7 - PREDICTING FRICTIONHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils create an animation predicting how different surfaces will affect friction. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 8 - INVESTIGATING FRICTIONHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils carry out an investigation into Friction using Seesaw. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 9 - FRICTION INVESTIGATION KEYNOTEHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils carry out an investigation into Friction using Keynote. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 10 - WHAT IS A MAGNET VIDEOHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils create an animation to show their understanding of how magnets work. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 11- IS IT MAGNETIC?Here is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils explore materials and whether they are magnetic or not. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 12 - MAGNETIC POLES VIDEOHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils demonstrate their knowledge of Magnetic Poles and share their understanding in a video. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 13 - SIMPLE MAGNETIC POLES VIDEOHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils show what happens when poles meet in a simple animation. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 14 - MAGNETIC POLES ANIMATION MORE CHALLENGINGHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils show what happens when poles meet in a more challenging animation. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 15 - USES OF MAGNETSHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils explore how magnets are used in everyday life. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 16 - FORCES IN ACTIONHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils collect examples of forces in action through different activities. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 17- IDENTIFYING FORCES IN ACTIONHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils label some of the forces acting upon objects from the pictures created in the previous idea. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 18 - ISAAC NEWTONHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils bring an image of Isaac Newton to life to demonstrate their understanding of his discoveries. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 19 - MASS VS WEIGHTHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils carry out and document an investigation into the difference of an object's mass and weight. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 20 - GALILEOHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils share their learning around Galileo and his discoveries and what we can learn from them today. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 21 - AIR RESISTANCEHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils document an investigation into Air Resistance using Book Creator. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
FORCES IDEA 22 - STREAMLINEHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils explain examples of streamlined objects and how the shape helps the object. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |
Forces Idea 23 - Mechanism InstructionsHere is the idea in the series of videos linked to the KS2 Science Topic of Forces and Magnets in Year 3 and Forces in Action in Year 5.
In this next idea, pupils create an instructional video to explain how a mechanism works. Click the picture to access the video if you have subscribed to Facebook. Click here if you need to subscribe on Facebook. |