OUR LOCAL AREA AND BEYOND KS1 GEOGRAPHY IDEA 1 - SCHOOL MOVIE TRAILERSHere is the first idea in a new series linked to the topic of our local area and beyond in KS1 Geography. This first video challenges your pupils to create their own Hollywood style movie trailer showcasing different features of your school building.
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OUR LOCAL AREA AND BEYOND KS1 GEOGRAPHY IDEA 2 - Exploring a Bird's-Eye View of the SchoolHere is the second idea in the series looking at Our Local Area and Beyond. In this video, we explore how to capture a bird's-eye view of the school grounds and then capture our understanding of where things are that can be done orally or with text labels.
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Creating an Interactive Guide for your schoolThis was a fantastic project we did with our Digital Leaders a while ago. To showcase our wonderful school, we created an interactive guide to our school which is now the official tour of our school website. See what we created here - http://davyhulmeprimary.com/our-school/tour/
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OUR LOCAL AREA AND BEYOND IDEA 3 - EXPLORING OUR LOCAL AREAHere is idea number 3 in the series linked to the topic of Our Local Area and Beyond in KS1 Geography. Moving from our school, this video looks at exploring our local area and challenging learners to create a collage of all the local amenities in their village/town.
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ouR LOCAL AREA AND BEYOND IDEA 4 - CREATING EBOOKS OF OUR LOCAL CITYHere is idea 4 in the series linked to the topic of our local area and beyond in KS1 Geography. In this video, we move from local area to the big local city and children create eBooks convincing people to visit and live there.
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OUR LOCAL AREA AND BEYOND KS1 GEOGRAPHY IDEA 5 - LABELLING CAPITAL CITIES AND COUNTRIES ON A MAPHere is idea 5 in the series linked to the topic of our local area and beyond in KS1 Geography. In this video, we look at a quick and easy way for pupils to label maps which will save time and money on printing and also introduce simple formatting tools to distinguish between countries, capital cities, oceans and continents.
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OUR LOCAL AREA AND BEYOND KS1 GEOGRAPHY IDEA 6 - CREATING INFORMATION VIDEOS ABOUT DIFFERENT COUNTRIESIn this final idea in the series looking at Our Local Area and Beyond, we look at creating information videos about a country. Using these videos, your learners can then create an interactive map as a final product of this topic.
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