Idea 1 - Emoji ScenesHere is the first video in a series exploring ways technology can be used to enhance the topic of Seasons in KS1. In this first video, we explore a pre-learning task where pupils create images of each season using emojis in Seesaw.
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Idea 2 - Going on an Autumn WalkHere is idea number 2 in the series linked to the Seasons topic in KS1. In this video, children take their devices on an Autumn walk capturing signs and images showing it is Autumn. Please adapt this idea if you end up doing this topic in a different season.
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Idea 3 - What do we know about each season?Idea number 3 in the series linked to Seasons in KS1. This would be a direct follow on from idea number 2. Children create collages with pictures and text sharing everything they know about different seasons. They can then record over the top exploring these ideas in more detail.
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Seasons KS1 Idea 4 - Weather Reports for Different SeasonsIdea number 4 in this series looking at the KS1 topic of Seasons. In this video, we explore using Greenscreen to let children describe the weather of all four seasons. This gives pupils the opportunity to share their knowledge and understanding of how weather changes and also how we change by what we wear.
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seasons KS1 Idea 5 - Creating Quizzes about What we wear in Different SeasonsIdea number 5 in the series linked to Seasons in KS1 . In this video, children create their own quiz on the app Tinytap sharing their knowledge about which type of clothes we wear in each season. The finished quizzes can be shared with the world!
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Seasons KS1 IDea 6 - Exploring How Animals change during seasons.The final idea linked to Seasons explores how pupils can share their knowledge and understanding of animals and how they hibernate, adapt and migrate as the seasons change. This idea gives every pupil, no matter what their ability with writing, the opportunity to share their learning in a creative way.
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Pictograms and Tally charts collecting data linked to seasonsHere is another quick idea that can be easily adapted to the topic of Seasons. Children can collect data about clothes other pupils have worn linked to the seasons or what are learners favourite season.
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